mercredi 10 avril 2013


Dr. Pepe MutiriFounder, AGIM

Called out from a successful executive carreer working with
organizations related to the United Nations, Dr. Pepe left Africa
to be a missionary to America. He leads Amazing Grace International
Ministries with a strong healing and deliverance anointing - passionate
to equip Christians around the globe to do the works of Jesus. He is a
teacher of the word of God and a speaker of international conferences
and conventions. Dr. Pepe received his doctorate degree from the Master's Graduate School of Divinity in Practical Theology in Biblical Counseling. Amazing Grace International Ministries focuses on healing and deliverance especially in the areas marriage and family restoration. With an apostolic
calling- AGIM endeavours to send and plant others into different cities,
states, and nations. He is married and fahter of wonderful children.
We miss You Bishop Pepe! You have been a wonderful Man of God!
Fully loaded of anointing. We do remember what You are for Us.
We will never forget You. You are not gone any where!
In our mind You still alive! You were our Pastor, and yet a Father,
Our friend and our everything! Only your smile was made of release and deliverance.
You built up in our heart a special room where You should live for ever!
Your souvenir will remain as is! Naturally pictured as a design in our hearts!
The Hero and Powerful of Poweful Anointed Man of God! Bishop You are!
We love you so much! Bishop! Let Your heart repose in Peace for great job done!
                             We Miss You and Love so Much!


Bishop Pepe Mutiri est alle chez son pere se reposer. Il a souffert d'une courte
maladie et en est mort a l'hopital de Tulsa/Oklahoma-USA. Son enterrement
se fera ce Samedi 20 Avril. Son corps sera expose pour la famille et certains
amis qui voudraient lui presenter les dernieres avoeux le Vendredi 19 Avril
au soir. Les details sur l'emplacement et l'horaire de service funebre vous
seront transmis tres bientot.

Bishop Pepe went home to rest after great work done in the Kingdom. He suffered
and passed away in Tulsa Hospital/Oklahoma-USA. His burrial is for Saturday
April 20, 2013 and the viewing is set on Friday 19, 2013 in the evening. All details
related to locations and hours will be posted sooner. Please, let all of us honor
and mourn this great man of God! Your presence is welcome!

Nous attendons les modalites pour ce qui concerne toute assistance.
Nous croyons que beaucoup d'enfants de Dieu qui ont ete richement
benis par son ministere feront le deplacement pour Tulsa lui
rendre les derniers hommages.